Degree Show 畢業展
Jimmy Day
2005 BFA
Anti Digital Reverse Analog
非類比思維 反數位表態
In the creation of digital contents, the word of “digital” has been overwhelming in our minds which affect our behaviors. In communications design department at Shih Chien University, we would like to think of ourselves as a media philosopher verse graphic maker. Thus, we think in different ways and rethinking the meaning of digital before we accept it. Our goal is to reborn the beauty of sensory.
在全面提昇數位內容創意之際,實踐大學媒體傳達設 計學系的教育以媒體哲學家自居對抗圖像製造機,提倡非類比的另類思考,反省反駁數位至上論,重生感官美學新異術。