BFA Class
BFA Class, SCCD was established in 1997, formerly known as the Department of Visual Communication Design. With the addition of the Department of Communications Design, the system of the design faculty of the entire design school is completed. BFA Class now has “Division of Animation & Moving Image” and “Division of Creative Media Design”.
實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系學士班 成立於 1997 年,前身為 視覺傳達設計學系。媒體傳達設計學系的加入使整個設計學院的體系臻於完整。 學士班現設有「動畫影像設計組」與「創意媒體設計組」。
In response to the development of the new digital media and digital video game employment market in the millennium. In 2004, the BFA Class was divided into “Division of Digital 3D Animation Design” and “Division of Digital Creative Game Design” from sophomore after the basic concept design teaching training in freshman. To effectively match the future development possibilities of digital multimedia design.
因應千禧年數位媒體新媒介及數位電玩就業市場的發展,學士班於 2004 年起在第一學年進行基礎性觀念設計教學訓練後,於二年級始分為「數位 3D 動畫設計組」與「數位遊戲創意設計組」,以切實配合數位多媒體設計之未來發展的可能性。
In 2012, “Division of Digital Creative Game Design” was renamed as “Division of New Media Design”
In 2017, “Division of New Media Design” was renamed as “Division of Creative Media Design”
In 2024, “Division of Digital 3D Animation Design” was renamed as “Division of Animation & Moving Image”
2012 年「數位遊戲創意設計組」更名為「創新媒體設計組」
2017 年「創新媒體設計組」更名為「創意媒體設計組」
2024 年「數位 3D 動畫設計組」更名為「動畫影像設計組」
The BFA Class formulates teaching strategies based on the established purpose, strengthens aesthetic literacy, design thinking, humanistic and philosophical education, independent creative spirit and media integration ability to exercise competitiveness and development in response to this rapidly changing era.
Animation & Moving Image Design
Autonomy – Explore the relationship between self and the environment through animation creation, and then extend the care and reflection on culture, ecology and humanities.
自主性 – 透過動畫創作探討自我與環境的關係,進而延伸對文化、生態與人文之關懷與省思。
Diversity – Cultivate multimedia materials digital image implementers with hand-painted, 2D, 3D and experiment to meet the needs of the future trend of cultural creativity and digital content industry.
多元性 – 培養跨媒材之手繪、2D、3D、實驗技法等數位影像之創作人才,以符合未來趨勢之文化創意與數位內容產業整合之需求。
Integration – Through one-person independent production, students are trained to integrate creativity, production and performance, and to cultivate leadership and management talents with a comprehensive perspective and horizontal communication skills.
整合性 – 藉由單人獨立製作訓練學生創意、製作與展演之整合能力,培養具全觀視角,善於橫向溝通能力與領導管理之設計人才。
Division of Creative Media Design
Autonomy – Explore the essence of new media interaction from multiple perspectives, furthermore, showing care and reflection on humanities, society, and the environment by these perspectives.
自主性 – 多面向探討新媒體互動的本質,並藉此對人文、社會、環境作進一步之關懷與省思。
Diversity – Develop multi-interaction model design, integrate different media and platforms such as digital media audio and video, human interaction installation, game design, experience design, virtual reality application and technology-based public art.
多元性 – 發展多元互動模式設計,整合數位媒體影音、人因互動裝置、遊戲設計、體驗設計、虛擬實境應用及科技性公共藝術等不同媒材與平台。
Integration – Through one-person independent production, students are trained to integrate creativity, production and performance, and to cultivate leadership and management talents with a comprehensive perspective and horizontal communication skills.
整合性 – 藉由單人獨立製作訓練學生創意、製作與展演之整合能力,培養具全觀視角,善於橫向溝通能力與領導管理之設計人才。
During the period of the BFA Class, in addition to design professional courses training according to the core instruction objective, various large learning and exchange activities are supplemented, such as: mixed grade final presentations, international workshop, overseas school and enterprise visits, industry-academy cooperation design projects, industry internships and other multi-dimensional training, to develop an international perspective.
In addition to the design speciality and maturity, attaching importance to the parallel development of personality quality, we hope to achieve the universal goal of perfect human education through the equal emphasis on design thinking and aesthetic quality.