About SCCD
Department of Communications Design, Shih Chien University / SCCD is the first academic institution to establish the “Communications Design” department in the country. The teaching of the department takes design thinking, humanities, and aesthetics as the cornerstones, uses multidimensional platforms as the foundation, diverse media as the carrier, and integrates teaching experiments and design training such as animation, narrative video, interaction, performance, game, product, space, and environment. Supplemented by intensive international workshop and industry-academy cooperation in various fields, as well as overseas exchange opportunities. It aims to cultivate director-type creative talents who can integrate “media” as the vehicle, “design” as the method, emphasize “communications” as the core of human civilization, and adapt to the rapid changes of the era.
SCCD now has BFA Class and MDES Class. BFA Class was established in 1997. With the addition of Department of Communications Design, the system of the design faculty and the humanistic activities of the entire design school is completed. MDES Class was established in 2004, formerly known as the Institute of Fashion and Communications Design (IFCD), consolidated into the MDES Class, SCCD in 2011.
實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系現設有 學士班 與 碩士班。學士班成立於 1997 年,由於媒體傳達設計學系的加入,使整個設計學院的在體系與人文活動領域上皆臻於完整。並在 2004 年成立碩士班,前身為時尚與媒體設計研究所,於 2011 年整併為 媒體傳達設計學系碩士班。
College of Design, Shih Chien University is recognized as one of the top 30 excellent design schools in the world by the US BusinessWeek and ranker.com, and has won numerous recognitions in various fields at domestic and foreign awards over the years. The college has been ranked among the top four winners in the Asia-Pacific region by the German Red Dot Design Award and the iF Design Award many times. Shih Chien University has been reported by CommonWealth Magazine and various other media as the top of the college ranking list for many times, and has been rated as the first in the domestic design department, “Top 10 Most Favorite Design Colleges by Enterprises”, etc.
實踐大學設計學院為美國 BusinessWeek 與 ranker.com 認定為全球前三十名之優良設計學院,歷年來獲得國內外各領域無數獎項與認可。學院多次被德國 Red Dot Design Award( 紅點設計獎 )與 iF Design Award( iF 設計獎 )排名為亞太區獲獎數前四名。實踐大學多次被天下雜誌等各家媒體報導為院校排名類榜單前列,被評比為國內設計類系所排名第一、「企業最愛設計院校 Top 10」等。
In view of the ability in integrate domestic and foreign industries, the department has a teaching feature on cultivating director-type creative design talents with global perspectives. Focusing on the development of digital image creation and interactive new media experience design, integrating creative teaching experiments with digital content, and combining the bred creative content results with industrial experience to guide students to have substantial influence in enterprises in various fields with aesthetic design and creative thinking. To display competitions, film exhibitions, art performances, and Industry-Academy cooperation performance at domestic and foreign design as development platforms and goals.
Students and alumni of the department have been shortlisted and won numerous competitions at domestic and foreign awards, including the US Student Academy Awards, NYC ADC Annual Awards, US CA Design Award, German Red Dot Design Award, iF Design Award, Berlin Short Film Festival, Venice Film Festival, Japan GOOD DESIGN Award, Taiwan Golden Horse Awards, Taipei Film Festival, Golden Pin Design Award, etc. The development of alumni has expanded to various creative fields such as film, animation, advertising, MV directors, visual designers, product designers, photographers, graphic designers, new media artists, etc., and continues to light-up at domestic and foreign.
本系學生、系友入圍及獲獎國內外競賽無數,包含美國學生奧斯卡、紐約 ADC 設計獎、美國 CA 設計獎、德國紅點設計獎、iF 設計獎、柏林短片影展、威尼斯影展、日本 GOOD DESIGN 獎、台灣金馬獎、台北電影節、金點設計獎等。畢業系友發展擴及各創作領域如電影、動畫、廣告、MV 導演、視覺設計師、產品設計師、遊戲設計師、網站設計師、攝影師、平面設計師、新媒體藝術家等,持續於海內外發光發熱。