Degree Show 畢業展


SARS: Shih-chien’s Artist Re-created Syndrome

實踐藝術家的創作性症候群 —— 非典型體傳染(三部曲)



Recently, tidings of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak and the war in Iraq overwhelm us. Through our TVs, the highly contagious, potentially fatal disease of unknown genetic makeup alerts us and disparate from its usual entertainment purpose, the flick of remotes only brings more distressing news. Smoke rises above Baghdad in plumes of thick, black soot, as thousand of missiles and smart bombs crashed into their targets. The aerial bombardment delivered the shock and awe, as it pulverized targets in Baghdad and positions scattered throughout the country with a barrage of bombs dropped from hundreds of planes.These color picture images, as fictitious as they may appear, are existent and carry certain implications. Though we seem callous and malevolent when destructing the earth and each other, human beings are completely susceptible to ailment and thus should learn to be unpretentious and humble.
The theme for 2003’s Osaka International Design Competition “Rethink Consumption” correspond such connotation. The competition prompts participating artists to re examine voracity, haughtiness, obliteration and intemperance amongst the human race and to come up with designs that seeks lessons from and inflict re-interaction and re-harmonization with the nature. Through such interaction with the surrounding environment, artists attain and depict humbleness, kindness and compassion in their artworks. Such compassion is also depicted in artworks that were created by the 30 students that will be graduating from the college’s Communications Design Department this June. Post four years of theoretical and practical trainings at the college, I have noticed that they have all acquired, if I may re-coin the term, the Shih-chien Artists’ Re-creating Syndrome, and are equipped with the ability to express through their artworks not only their creativity, sensitivity and imagination but also appreciation for environments and cultures. I am thus confident that they will astound the world with their talent. As there are many challenges that they shall encounter as they leave to achieve their future endeavors, I leave them with these words:
“With each challenge of our limit, life becomes an artwork complete.” Finally once had said, by Einstein; “In every individual life, it fills the natural limit; therefore, as when life end, this life on the picture is the complete artistic work. Thought this, how can it be that doesn’t let the person feel well satisfied?” I quote to share an effort with every student.
這些日子 SARS 成為家喻户曉的字母,全世界人類措手無策面對致命的變種病毒,它卻靜悄悄地存活在我們的呼吸之間。此刻,同時上演著另類致命的吸引力,SNG 真實的殺戮戰場,赤裸裸的呈現在我們的起居室、臥房、手握搖控器,真實切换成虛擬的戰爭電玩畫面,窒息的煙硝味,腐屍臭,哀嚎聲都框鎖在玻璃映象管内,不帶一點紛擾觀,冷漠不停的轉台,麻痺觀賞著一幕幕影像與聲光俱全的「暴力美學」,隨時插播置入性預告「將有最新的畫面,即時提供實況轉播,敬請觀眾收視」此時才猛然回神,鏡頭轉換成 SARS 最新的恐慌效應,一種病原不明、嚴重急性呼吸道病候群,無聲無息的在人體內找尋生存之路,人類與致病原的戰爭,正永無休止的進行鬥爭。浮現的背後,經常是人類過度遭蹋生態,在各式污染、泛濫下,賦予微生物培育變種的溫床,病毒正迅速與動物基因發生交互作用的「洗牌」重組效應,引起人類無法免疫的抗原,這是大自然反撲的後果。每種生物都有它們生存的智慧,對人類的入侵它們也有反擊的力量。
2003 年日本大阪雙年國際設計競賽,「Rethink “Consumption”」為主題,藉此議題重新思索人類揮霍無度的消耗、貪婪、自大、殘殺、破壞、污染、傲慢,缺乏慈悲、憐憫、尊重、自覺、謙卑,因而呼籲設計師發聲,表達各種創意想法,以彰顯人類自省、檢驗人與天、地間的重新對話,期許人類提出相處之道、休戚與共的想法。設計師透過創藝在自然天地中找尋慰藉與靈感,謙虛之心將油然而生,美好的創意設計彌足珍貴,令人惜福而充滿善意、感動,此時設計師將自知渺小與謙虛,內心卻充滿希望、生機。今年六月,實踐媒體傳達設計學系將有三十多位第三屆畢業生,我斗膽的將 SARS 原意改變成 Shih-chien’s Artist Re-created Sydrome (實踐藝術家的創作症候群體),他們的創意作品中,從生態的觀照、自我意識的覺醒、文化資產的詠讚、物慾文明的批判、感動生命的起滅、解放想像力的束縛…等議題,從宏觀至微觀的面相,每件作品的創意構思,令我處處驚喜,感嘆造物者神奇不可解的點石成金。最後以愛因斯坦曾說過的話與同學共勉之:

Ta-Lih Shieh

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