Junior 三年級
Digital 3D Animation Design & Creative Media Design Common
數位 3D 動畫設計組 與 創意媒體設計組 共同修習
The course aims to assist final-year students to build up their personal portfolio through re-examination and classification of their entire design work during their university studies. Contents delivered cover the database structure, content design and editing and the final printing and binding processes.
本課程旨在輔助畢業生重新總整與歸類其作品,建立完整的個人數位資料庫, 而後藉由同學的升學或求職定位架構出作品集的特定性。 課程內容包含:
Database【資料庫】全集資料庫建構→Target【目標對象】設定作品集的目標對象→Structure【架構目次】精準設定目標架構(contents) →Design【系統設計】整體識別系統頁面設計→Aesthetic【影像美學】美學攝影與數位資料修整→Editing【彙整編輯】置入式編輯排版→Printing【印刷裝訂】紙樣與裝訂。