Sophomore 二年級

Media Integrated Design

Digital 3D Animation Design 數位 3D 動畫設計組

Students should go through the whole process of developing projects from proposal to production.Students are also asked to make video,audio and traditional animation in the same topic. During the process of creation and critiques, students are urged to set up discourses with each other and professors, so as to improve themselves in such communications. Intensive training for stimulating creative ideas and alternative thinking is provided.This class teaches that good design uses the knowledge of both humanity and science.

Creative Media Design 創意媒體設計組

本課程第一階段將著重探究創新媒體設計領域裏非常重要,但卻常常被忽略的環節——媒材。探討創新媒體設計專業中『素材』(Material)之定義、相關議題與應用;包括數位時代中素材的種類、特質、可能性,及其對認知的可能影響與關係。課程中將分析相關學術論述與介紹應用之實例,並藉由設計實作以建構每人特有,對素材、材質的『隱性知識』(Tacit knowledge)。 第二階段將著重於,在創新媒體設計領域裏,敏銳與細膩的觀察力。準確而熟練的構思能力則能將觀察到的結果轉化成各種創意。此階段以培養與訓練多元設計觀察與構思能力為主,讓學生能從不同面向豐富對事物的觀察與體驗,進而開展具有創意與縝密的思考發想過程;以期最終能設計執行出豐富且感動人心的作品。

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